MediaCenter – Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme Free Download

About MediaCenter – Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme Free Download

Com/migrating-product-brands-and-labels-taxonomies-to-product-attributes/It’s essential to read this guide before you update to version 2.x of MediaCenter: for a smooth transition. We want to make a vital announcement: please make sure to backup your files before updating to 2.0.0!.

Here’s a guide on how to do that: Also, the theme name has been changed from Media Center to MediaCenter in order to comply with WordPress standards, which means Envato Toolkit won’t recognize the theme as installed.

To prevent any issues, we suggest backing up all theme files manually and fully removing the mediacenter folder before uploading the new, unzipped version. If you’re updating from 2.x to 2.x, however, you can use Envato Toolkit without any hassle. Finally,.

Since v2.5.0 Product Brands and Labels taxonomies are now migrated to product attributes. Here’s a guide on how to do this: Before you update MediaCenter to v2.x,.

It’s essential to read this guide: for a successful transition. Don’t forget to back up your files before updating to 2.0.0! Here’s a guide on how to do that:

To avoid any errors, we recommend backing up your theme files and deleting the mediacenter folder before uploading the new version of the theme. Updating from 2.x to 2.x can be done using Envato Toolkit and since v2.5.0 Product Brands and Labels taxonomies.

Have been migrated to product attributes; here’s a guide on how to do that:

MediaCenter - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme
MediaCenter - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme
MediaCenter - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme
MediaCenter - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme
MediaCenter - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme

MediaCenter – Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme Free Download, links below:

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