Revolution – Creative Multipurpose WordPress Theme Free Download

About Revolution – Creative Multipurpose WordPress Theme Free Download

4.2 – 04.02.2021The most recent update ( on 28th July 2021 includes fixes to the Mobile Menu override and WooCommerce product link. On 22nd May 2021, version was released, which includes fixes to the single column blog element and Product elements not properly showing “Sale” products. Moving back in time, version released on.

10th May 2021 introduced the columns option to Locations element and Sub-Header Font setting, and resolved the double “woocommerce_before_shop_loop” action issue. On 1st April 2021, version 2.4.5 was launched, which included various features such as preventing.

Scroll on Cart & Checkout notifications, blog meta settings to theme options, fixes to image slider element “prevent lazyloading” option, and various minor fixes. Version 2.4.4 released on 15th March 2021 brings Adaptive Height toggle to Free Scroll element,.

Updates for plugins, removal of Instagram related elements & widgets, and “Ignore LazyLoad” option to Image Slider element amongst other minor fixes. Finally, version 2.4.3 released on 18th February 2021 introduced the ability to override Mobile menu.

Inside Theme Options, “revolution_carousel_slides_scroll” filter, and fixed the Blog Post element ajax loading issue; while version 2.4.2 released on 4th February 2021 focused on various other minor fixes and improvements.

Revolution - Creative Multipurpose WordPress Theme
Revolution - Creative Multipurpose WordPress Theme
Revolution - Creative Multipurpose WordPress Theme
Revolution - Creative Multipurpose WordPress Theme
Revolution - Creative Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Revolution – Creative Multipurpose WordPress Theme Free Download, links below:

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