HomeScriptSoulful Hearts Calligraphy Script Font Free Download

Soulful Hearts Calligraphy Script Font Free Download

About Soulful Hearts Calligraphy Script Font Free Download

This font is a beautiful calligraphy script with heart-shaped flourishes. It’s perfect for invitations, greeting cards, and any design that needs a romantic touch. The Soulful Hearts Calligraphy Script font includes upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and punctuation. Say hello to Soulful Hearts, a lovely modern calligraphy script font inspired by.

Cute Valentine’s day graphics, feminine branding, and girly prints. Soulful hearts includes two lowercase letter sets, a full set of double letter ligatures, multilingual support, premade beginning and ending lowercase swashes, and letter alternates such.

As beginning r and s, blank t letters, and various styles of t swashes to mix and match. This cute script is versatile enough for both web and print, and can be used for various projects including, but not limited to wedding invitations + wedding suites,.

Stationery, packaging, feminine branding, logos, greeting cards, quotes, social media graphics, and cute prints.❤ WHAT’S INCLUDED: ❤ ( .otf and .ttf font files ) Soulful Hearts – regular font containing all OpenType features such as ligatures, premade.

Lowercase swashes, and letter alternates. Soulful Hearts Alt – alternative font containing the lowercase letter alternates Soulful Hearts Right Swashes – alternative font containing the right lowercase swashes Soulful Hearts Left Swashes – alternative.

Font containing the left lowercase swashes WEB FONTS – Soulful hearts includes two sub-folders for each font and the Webfont files generated through Font Squirrel, but feel free to convert the files using your favorite web font converter.❤ MULTILINGUAL.

SUPPORT: ❤ As all my fonts, Frances includes multilingual support and the following multi-lingual characters: ÀÁÂÃÄÅĂĄÆĆČÇĎĐÈÉÊĚËĘÌÍÎÏĹĽŁŃŇÑÒÓÔÕÖŐØŔŘŚŠŞÙÚÛÜŰŮÝŸŹŻŽ ãàáâäåăąæßćčçđèéêěëęìíîïłńňñòóôõöőøŕřśšşùúûüűůýÿźżž Aaaand I think that’s all. 🙂 If you.

Need any assistance or have any questions, drop me a PM here on CM. I’ll be happy to help you out! ♥ ♥ Crafted with love for you all. Have a gorgeous day ♥ ♥ xx PinkCoffie.

Soulful Hearts Calligraphy Script Font Free Download, links below:

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The author of is passionate about typography, design, and digital creativity. With a keen eye for aesthetics and a deep love for fonts, they curate and share the best free and premium fonts for designers, developers, and creatives.

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