Vibez – Dynamic Theme for Dance Studios and Instructors Free Download

About Vibez – Dynamic Theme for Dance Studios and Instructors Free Download

It’s time to get up and dance! With Vibez, you can create the perfect website for your dancing academy or group with an easy-to-use, customizable blog, shop, and portfolio layouts. Set up weekly timetables or single event pages quickly with the powerful Timetable Responsive Schedule plugin, included for free. And you can organize events easily with.

The Events Calendar plugin. Plus, you’ll have access to an online documentation file to get started right away. Vibez has everything you need to make your dance academy shine! It’s responsive and retina ready, has extensive typography options, and comes.

With WPBakery Page Builder ($46 value), Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin ($26 value), and Timetable Responsive Schedule for WordPress Plugin ($26 value). Other features include: animation holder shortcode, clients carousel shortcode, item.

Showcase shortcode, team shortcode, vertical split slider shortcode, image gallery shortcode, image with text shortcode, call to action shortcode, full screen sections shortcode, video button shortcode, product list shortcodes, product info shortcodes,.

Product list – carousel shortcodes, product list – simple shortcodes, infographic elements, Instagram Feed widget, Twitter Feed widget, WooCommerce Dropdown Cart widget, Blog List widget, Author Info widget, Image Slider widget, Image Gallery widget,.

Social Icon widget, One Page site – anchor functionality. Plus you can customize the title area with multiple title area types and header types like Standard Header Type, Centered Header Type and Minimal Header Type. There are also various portfolio list.

Layouts and hover types as well as portfolio single layouts. And it’s translation ready for users from all over the world. We don’t own the copyright for the images featured in this theme – but we do know that with Vibez you can make your dance academy.

Stand out! So get on the dance floor and feel the vibez!.

Vibez - Dynamic Theme for Dance Studios and Instructors

Vibez – Dynamic Theme for Dance Studios and Instructors Free Download, links below:

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