Vice: Underground Music Elementor WordPress Theme Free Download

About Vice: Underground Music Elementor WordPress Theme Free Download

Vice Version 3 is out and it’s the most stylish WordPress theme for underground music websites. Not only is it now equipped with an interactive 3D background and Elementor support, but there are also 8 new Elementor widgets, glitch effects, 3D interactions, carousels, and sliders.Introducing DHRK: the minimal, fast, and stunning child theme for Vice.

It’s the perfect way to bring the Vice theme into the new decade with all the features you need to create a professional WordPress music website. Whether you’re making a rock or pop band website, a DJ producer website, a radio station website, or even.

A club website, Vice has you covered.Vice is WordPress 5 compatible and comes with an array of features like music albums, events, event maps, featured music players, artists, galleries and video galleries, video background, podcasts, customizable colors.

And logos, custom Google fonts, award-winning design, and premium support via forum and email. And best of all – it’s been updated with radio station support! Check out the manual for more information.

Vice: Underground Music Elementor WordPress Theme
Vice: Underground Music Elementor WordPress Theme
Vice: Underground Music Elementor WordPress Theme
Vice: Underground Music Elementor WordPress Theme
Vice: Underground Music Elementor WordPress Theme

Vice: Underground Music Elementor WordPress Theme Free Download, links below:

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