Origram Pro Typefamily Free Bonus Font Free Download

About Origram Pro Typefamily Free Bonus Font Free Download

Origram Pro Typefamily is a free bonus typeface that includes 6 fonts: Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic, Condensed, and Condensed Bold. The fonts are designed to work together to create a variety of looks, from classic and sophisticated to modern and edgy. The fonts are all very versatile and can be used for a wide range of projects, from branding.

And advertising to web design and print design. Origram Pro is the full version of Origram Free Font, a font with over 109k downloads, and counting! This font was already featured in dozens of websites and Design Blogs. I decided to remake this font,.

Smoothing out a few rough edges — so to speak — and adding value to the end result, with several different interesting tweaks and updates.Inspired in the Origami and Tangram tradition, the basic shape is an octagon. Geometrical and regular, resulting.

In a neat and captivating display font. Not particularly conceived to be used in common text, this stylized font will add value to any large scale image within the realm of logos & branding, outdoors, packaging, titles, magazines, posters, signs, shirts,.

Scrap-booking… Your imagination is the limit.This display font comes now with Uppercases, updated Lowercases, Numbers, and a slew of new Diacritic Marks and Punctuation Marks. A large number of special characters was included in the package, enriching.

The font’s versatility and usability. Glyph coverage: Western Europe, Central Europe, Baltic, Turkish and Romanian.Contains: Origram Pro.OTF file (with 314 glyphs) FREE: Origram Pro Shadows.OTF file (with 314 glyphs) FREE: 1 .psd file with 4 Smart Objects.

Of Animals in Origami Style.Click to view the full project @Behance: http://bit.ly/1FFzAWj.

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