Afrah Serif Font Family Pack Free Download

About Afrah Serif Font Family Pack Free Download

The Afrah Serif Font Family Pack is a collection of six fonts that are perfect for any project that requires a touch of elegance. The fonts included in this pack are:• Afrah Serif Regular – A classic serif font with a modern twist.• Afrah Serif Bold – A bolder version of the regular font, perfect for headlines and other attention-grabbing text.• Afrah.

Serif Italic – An italicized version of the regular font, ideal for adding a touch of sophistication to your text.• Afrah Serif Bold Italic – A bolder and italicized version of the regular font, perfect for making a statement.• Afrah Serif Light – A lighter.

Version of the regular font, perfect for body text and other long blocks of text.• Afrah Serif Light Italic – A lighter and italicized version of the regular font, perfect for adding a touch of refinement to your text. [Sale Notification!].

This font is also included in 680+ Fonts Mega Typography Bundle. Get more fonts and save huge: Serif Font Family Pack is a beautiful serif font comes with 5 different weights. It includes all basic glyphs with Non-English.

Characters. It can be used for headlines, posters, branding, packaging, presentations, logo, quotes, titles, magazines headings, web layouts, advertising, invitations, packaging design, books, and nearly any creative design.Included Features:Font Weight:.

Regular, Thin, Light, Round and BoldFile Format: TTF, OTF and Web Font KitAfrah Font Features:Uppercase Letters Lowercase Letters Numbers & Punctuation Non English Characters ( Latin Supplement + Latin Extended A)Supported Characters:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!#$%&'(È*+,-./:;=?@[]^_`{|}~¡¢´¿‘’“”‰.

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Afrah Serif Font Family Pack Free Download, links below:

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